The historic road connecting Prague and Germany is currently an unpaved dirt road. This road serves as access to arable land, although it is also used for recreation (for lack of more comfortable routes, burdened by noise, wind, heatstroke, smog). There are large, uncultivated blocks of arable land around this road which are susceptible to winds causing erosion and soil drainage. In the direction of the D8 motorway, pollutants enter the area. There is valuable mixed vegetation (a mixture of trees and shrubs), including the remains of a former fruit alley (cherry trees), where the road cuts into the valley. All in all, the area has a bleak and inhospitable appearance. There is a complete lack of landscape vegetation structure and permeability, and it is lost in the background of warehouse buildings and the D8 motorway. In addition, there is an overhead power line protection zone in this section, which passes directly over the dirt road and must be respected. Therefore, no tree planting is possible in this zone.


Within the limits of this area, we are implementing a mixed planting of native shrubs, namely Cornus mas and Corylus avellana, covering the entire length of the vegetation belt. This is in order to maximise the isolation and protection of the built-up area of the village from the adjacent roads and in an effort to enhance the area and provide a better living environment for visitors to the area by creating shaded areas.

Cornus mas
Corylus avellana

Condition before



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